
Healthy Sydney University Evidence 2012-2016

Healthy Sydney University Evidence 2012-2016

"Based on the evidence generated by Healthy Sydney University, a healthy university: − encourages people to move more and be physically active; − supports mental wellbeing; − provides a healthy food and beverage environment; and − embeds health across all areas of the organisation."

Full report available here

Health and Wellbeing Checklist - For University Decision-making

Health and Wellbeing Checklist - For University Decision-making

"The checklist on the following page has eight steps that decision-makers can follow to assess whether their proposed initiative, decision or policy has considered potential impact on staff and student health and wellbeing. Healthy Sydney University has also included two examples to show how the checklist can be used."

Full report available here

Okanagan Charter - International Charter for Health Promotion Universities and Colleges

Okanagan Charter - International Charter for Health Promotion Universities and Colleges

The Charter is an outcome of the 2015 International Conference on Health Promoting Universities and Colleges and was develop by engaging researchers, practitioners, administrators, students and policy makers from 45 countries (including NZ). It enables tertiary institutions to embed health and wellbeing into policies, services and environments for the befit of both staff and student.

Full Okanagan Charter available here

Health Promoting Universities - World Health Organisation

Health Promoting Universities - World Health Organisation

The settings-based approach to health promotion can potentially enhance the contribution of universities to improving the health of populations and to adding value in the following ways: 1) by protecting the health and promoting the wellbeing of students, staff and the wider community through their policies and practices, 2) by increasingly relating health promotion to teaching and research and 3) by developing health promotion alliances and outreach into the community.

Full report is available here

Health and Wellbeing in All Policies - Health Impact Assessment

Health and Wellbeing in All Policies - Health Impact Assessment

"This Guide introduces health impact assessment (HIA) as a practical way to ensure that health and wellbeing are considered as part of policy development in all sectors. Policy-makers in any sector, at both central and local level, could use this Guide. Those who may be affected by policy may also find the Guide useful."

Full resource available here