Mental Health

Healthy Sydney University Evidence 2012-2016

Healthy Sydney University Evidence 2012-2016

"Based on the evidence generated by Healthy Sydney University, a healthy university: − encourages people to move more and be physically active; − supports mental wellbeing; − provides a healthy food and beverage environment; and − embeds health across all areas of the organisation."

Full report available here

Mental Health and Wellbeing Discussion Paper - UBC Vancouver

Mental Health and Wellbeing Discussion Paper - UBC Vancouver

"This paper will present the following: 1. The post-secondary mental health challenge and rationale for institutional action; 2. The scope of the challenge at UBC; 3. Guidance from the literature, best practices research and key organizations on the components of a successful campus mental health strategy; 4. Overview of the draft UBC Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy; 5. Discussion of current mental health initiatives at UBC; 6. Discussion of priority actions and next steps under the UBC Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy"

Full discussion paper available here

A blueprint for student mental wellbeing in universities

A blueprint for student mental wellbeing in universities

This resource provides a research summary and recommendations for tertiary settings to encourage positive mental health and wellbeing. These recommendations include considering alternate academic strategies, infusing mental health knowledge and skills in the curriculum, developing and promoting the use of eHealth technologies, building healthy physical environments.

Full resource available here

Tackling Student Mental Health and Wellbeing - Presentations

Tackling Student Mental Health and Wellbeing - Presentations

These presentations were from "two conferences regarding student mental health and wellbeing. The conferences provided an opportunity for colleagues from across the higher education and mental health sectors to come together and discuss how higher education providers can strategically respond to the growing demand from students for services and provision."

Presentations available here (scroll to the bottom of the page)