healthy university

The Okanagan Charter

The Okanagan Charter

The Okanagan Charter is a document that was published in 2015. It was produced in collaboration of many universities who convened in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada for the International Conference on Health Promoting Universities and Colleges to discuss what makes a health promoting university. This is the result. In Aotearoa, we have used this charter as a base for our own interpretation of what it means to be a health promoting university.

The Charter can be viewed here


A policy brief for promoting mental wellbeing in universities (Healthy Sydney University)

A policy brief for promoting mental wellbeing in universities (Healthy Sydney University)

"The main aim was to review the effectiveness of population or settings-based strategies and approaches for promoting the mental wellbeing of students and staff within universities. This policy brief focuses on the papers relating specifically to mental health outcomes (around a third of the papers reviewed). The remaining two thirds of papers were focused on alcohol, tobacco or other drugs; we have included a short summary of these papers in the ‘Discussion’ section."

Full report available here

Healthy Sydney University Evidence 2012-2016

Healthy Sydney University Evidence 2012-2016

"Based on the evidence generated by Healthy Sydney University, a healthy university: − encourages people to move more and be physically active; − supports mental wellbeing; − provides a healthy food and beverage environment; and − embeds health across all areas of the organisation."

Full report available here

Health and Wellbeing Checklist - For University Decision-making

Health and Wellbeing Checklist - For University Decision-making

"The checklist on the following page has eight steps that decision-makers can follow to assess whether their proposed initiative, decision or policy has considered potential impact on staff and student health and wellbeing. Healthy Sydney University has also included two examples to show how the checklist can be used."

Full report available here

South Island Tertiary Health and Wellbeing Survey - General Report

South Island Tertiary Health and Wellbeing Survey - General Report

"Health promotion in higher education is receiving greater attention with the recent development of the Okanagan Charter, an international health promotion charter for universities and colleges... The report provides a snapshot of health and wellbeing initiatives currently operational within the seven higher education institutions surveyed and aims to share examples of good practice and suggestions for further alignment with the Okanagan Charter."

Full report available here

A blueprint for student mental wellbeing in universities

A blueprint for student mental wellbeing in universities

This resource provides a research summary and recommendations for tertiary settings to encourage positive mental health and wellbeing. These recommendations include considering alternate academic strategies, infusing mental health knowledge and skills in the curriculum, developing and promoting the use of eHealth technologies, building healthy physical environments.

Full resource available here

Healthy University Sydney - Guiding Principles

Healthy University Sydney - Guiding Principles

"Healthy Sydney University (HSU) aims to create a healthy learning and working environment for students and staff at the University of Sydney. HSU brings together students, professional staff, academics and researchers from across our faculties and professional service units to plan, implement and evaluate healthy university strategies. These strategies are informed by the best available evidence and are rigorously evaluated to ensure we generate new evidence around healthy learning and working environments. Our focus is across three key areas: healthy peoplehealthy places and healthy policies."

Full report available here