
South Island Tertiary Forum Presentations - November 2016

South Island Tertiary Forum Presentations - November 2016

The South Island Tertiary Forum was held recently on 16 November at the University of Canterbury, with about 50 people in attendance. This is the PechaKucha session with 8 short and punchy presentations on a range of topics including; Staff Wellbeing: why and how (Katharina Näswall, UC), The stories: international student wellbeing (Jonie Chang, UC), Student Wellbeing Advisory Group (Emily Barker, UCSA), Get-it-together Series 2017 (Catherine Staite, UCSA), Thursdays in Black and Mental Health Week (Jayne Smith, Lincoln), Building resilience in the curriculum (Tracy Clelland, UC), UC PERMA-culture: a healthy place to live and learn (Rose Reynolds, UC), and South Island Tertiary Health and Wellbeing Survey findings (Anna Thorpe, CDHB).

Videos of presentations are available here